Monday, August 28th 2023 was
235 days ago

How long ago was August 28th 2023?

There are more information about Monday, August 28th 2023 such as weeks, holiday, this day in history or famous birthdays on August 28th 2023.

August 28th 2023 was on Monday.

August 28th 2023 was falling in week 35 of the year 2023.

August 28th 2023 was a working day.

Download Printable August 2023 Calendar.

August 28th in History

Learn what happened on this day in history around the world including major events on science, music, sport, art, entertainment, and more.

Birthdays in August 28th

Find out famous birthdays on August 28th and discover who they are.

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Grab the javascript/html snippet below and paste on your html page.

<script src=""></script>
<div id="cdwidget"></div>
  var countdown = new WIDGET.Countdown('#cdwidget', {
  year: 2023,
  month: 8,
  day: 28,
  cdCF: '',
  cdF: 'August 28, 2023',
  cdBGC: '',
  cdBG: ''

Do follow instruction to change default design.

- Change footer: cdCF: 'your footer'.

- Change background: cdBGC: 'color code'.

- Change background image: cdBG: 'imagename.png'. There are some background-image available to use: christmas.png, valentine.png, motherday.png, fatherday.png, newyear.png, halloween.png . We will add more soon.

- If you dont want to show footer just set cdF: ''.